September 18, 2020
Newborn Photography Tips

Best Newborn Photography Tips

Some people may imagine newborn photography as a piece of cake but those who experienced it know how stiff the job is. In fact, it will not be untrue if we call it the toughest photography among all types of photography. The objective of newborn photography is to snap the
September 16, 2020
Beach Photo Editing and Retouching

Summer Beach Photo Editing and Retouching in Lightroom: Tips & Tricks

Different types of software are used for product photo editing and retouching, but in the case of travel, beach, and nature photo editing, there is a little scope to edit maintaining reality. You have to be more conscious so that your images or videos don’t lose the actual light, exposure,
September 14, 2020
How to Become A Professional Photographer

How to Become A Professional Photographer: Photography Guidelines

Photography is so much more lucrative as a career. It is fashionable for young people and the rate of becoming a successful photographer is getting more and more with the pace of its commercial demand, especially in this modern digital business era. Becoming a photographer will challenge you to go
September 14, 2020
Benefits of Food Photography-Food Photo Editing

Benefits of Food Photography and Food Photo Editing

You will hardly find any human being who is not fond of food. In fact, food is the most pivotal need for the survival of human beings. With the advent of social media, people are not limited to only consuming food rather they take shots of scrumptious parts of food.
September 12, 2020
Secrets of Model Photography

How to Look Better in Photos- Secrets of Model Photography

We get amazed and envy seeing the beautiful and flawless pictures of the models. What are the differences between these extraordinarily perfect & beautiful models, and ourselves? Firstly, the difference comes from preparing and presenting the models before the camera. Secondly, photography related techniques. Thirdly, glamour retouching using Photoshop. Most
September 3, 2020
Best Shoe Photography Ideas

25 Best Shoe Photography Ideas You Must Know

November 30, 2019
Essential Winter Photography Accessories

Most Essential Winter Photography Accessories and Tips for Outdoor Photographers

Winter is coming soon. So, what’s your plan? As a professional photographer, you can’t avoid taking pictures in snowy or cold scenes. It’s also a great time to explore your photography skills in the world. Well! Color Experts International comes to let you know about some extremely necessary winter photography
August 31, 2019
Toy Photography ideas

10+ Best Toy Photography Ideas for Beginners

Toy photography is great fun. It has also an enormous commercial prospect. A lot of toy products are available in e-commerce stores and are being purchased everywhere. Kids are fond of toys and they are the biggest customers. Online toy sellers are drawing toy lovers’ attention by sharing various types
July 29, 2019
make background transparent

How to Make Image Background Transparent in Adobe Photoshop?

Making image background transparent in Photoshop is not so much tiresome work. You can do transparent image background by yourself at home, but here condition is applied. You have to learn Photoshop and its background-erasing tools. Different types of tools and options of Photoshop are applied to remove backgrounds from
February 18, 2019

Remove Background from Green Screen Video- DIY Tutorial

Background removing from video is a very common and popular video editing service at present time. There is hardly any video which is not edited in terms of background changing, color correction, exposure correction, and more. It is a common trend while creating business products’ video, presentation video clip, interview