Video Editing

July 20, 2019
motion graphics and animation

Importance of Motion Graphics and Animation for Product Promotion

Over the years, the graphic design industry has evolved with the invention of state-of-the-art technology and tools. Motion graphics and animation are phenomena and they are also the latest incorporation in the field of graphic design. Motion graphics is highly utilized by businesses to showcase a particular idea, generate awareness,
July 13, 2019
Promotional Video Production_02

Promotional Video Production: A Comprehensive Guide

Video is one of the cracking tools for companies to carry out their digital marketing. It has the capacity to circulate companies’ products and services fruitfully. Of late, videos have made inroads into digital marketing unprecedentedly. With the introduction of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. the
July 7, 2019
Top Banner

Promote Your Business Online: Utilize the Power of Product Photography, Videography, and Motion Graphics Animation

Promoting business online was not complicated back in the early days of the internet. Back then it was simple. You didn’t have to know all those hundreds of ranking factors to be able to rank higher on the search page. Today, however, things have changed quite a bit. With the
May 29, 2019

How Product Promotional Videos and Motion Graphics Can Boost Your Business

Videos are the easiest and the most effective way to consume information now a days. As a means of advertising and storytelling videos are no longer just a nice option, it’s a necessity. According to a 2019 statistics, 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, the most
March 17, 2019

Color correction of videos in Adobe After Effects

In corporate and marketing realm, videos and motion graphics play crucial role for branding and increasing sales. So, high quality videos have a great demand and creating quality videos with awesome color is still challenging, because it depends on some other things like lighting, environment, video shooting skill, etc. As
February 18, 2019

Remove Background from Green Screen Video- DIY Tutorial

Background removing from video is a very common and popular video editing service at present time. There is hardly any video which is not edited in terms of background changing, color correction, exposure correction, and more. It is a common trend while creating business products’ video, presentation video clip, interview