May 3, 2017
Lightroom Tutorial - Restoring Old and Damaged Photos (Updated)

[Lightroom Tutorial] Restoring Old and Damaged Photos

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photo processor and organizer. It a very handy tool for viewing, organizing, and retouching a large number of photos in short time. Though it’s associated with Photoshop, yet it has some limitations. But, when you want quick service using less PC memory, Lightroom is the
April 17, 2017
Darkroom Photo Manipulation

Darkroom Photo Manipulation before Photoshop – A Walk into the History

If you were born after Adobe Photoshop Era, you might know how photo retouching is done in Photoshop within short time. But, you will be amazed how older generation used to Photoshop in their Photo Shop before there was Adobe Photoshop. After the invention of the camera, the Photograph Industry
April 1, 2017
Googl's Nick Collection

Google’s Nik Collection is Free Now! So, What Can You Do Now?

Last year Google announced that Nik Collection is totally FREE. For those of you who don’t know what Nik Collection is, it is now a free desktop photo editing software, which was and is an Plugin for Adobe Lightroom. To get introduced, you can see this video: Earlier Nik Collection was originally valued
March 28, 2017
Bridal photography

Bridal photography from various countries of the world

There is a great variety in the photography trends that vary from country to country. There is also a diversity in the dresses and colors, events and decorations, post-wedding activities, and more. As the wedding moments are the happiest moments of any couple’s life, they try to make the days
March 24, 2017
How Photo Editing Rules the Industry-01

How Photo Editing Rules Various Industries

If you take a look over the internet, you will see that, more or less, there is a great role of photos in every business. Even there are some business sectors which are totally depending on the usage of the high quality images because such an image has the capability
March 11, 2017
Getting More Likes for Your Page-01

Facebook tips – Getting More Likes for Your Page

Facebook tips for getting more likes and engagements for your Facebook Page and attracting target clients. You know that the development of your business mostly depends on how much your business is familiar to target audience. For this, you may have already used many strategies for public engagement. You may
February 4, 2017
What type of clipping path service is perfect for your business-01

Applications of Clipping Path Services in Multiple Businesses

Adobe Photoshop is the most used image editing software. Graphic designers, animators, photographers, and other professionals use this software frequently in their work. This software has a lot of tools that are used for editing, creating, or designing an image. Photoshop pen tool is one of them. Clipping path is
January 21, 2017
Why should we take manual photo editing instead of automation-01

Why should we take manual photo editing instead of automation?

In the recent era, the world has seen the uprising of the technological revolution. It has created many new doors of skill, professions, knowledge. But the coin has another side too. What is that? In a world marked by growing automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence, two camps have emerged: Those
January 6, 2017
Before After

Tutorial – Basic color correction (white/gray balance) in Photoshop

Hi Friends, Today I’ll write about a quick and easy color correction process. You know how important the color combination is for any image to be Pop. An image which is faded, fuzzy or too much dazzling is worth to be taken the color correction service. A proper blending of
January 2, 2017
Portrait Image Retouching Tutorial

Quick Portrait Retouching Tutorial in Photoshop CS6

Hi guys, today I’m with you presenting a new tutorial about making an image outstanding by Photoshop image editing service. There are various image editing services but I like to write about portrait retouching along with color correction. Ok, let’s start with my girlfriend’s old photo. I like to show