2023 Updates
Photoshop Latest Feature Updates

Adobe Photoshop (24.2)
Photoshop's new update makes the gradient tool easier to use with a real-time preview.
2022Adobe Photoshop (23.1.1)
- Officially launched on January 19, 2022.
- Photoshop 23.1.1 features include:
- Advanced AI-powered image cropping and selection tools.
- Improvements to the Selection and Masking Space.
- New Text tool features include text warping, new fonts, and fill effects.
- Brush smoothing and stroke stabilization.
- Content-Aware Fill and Neural Filters workspace improvements.
- Improved 360-degree support for Panorama stitching.
Better-looking default colors than before with the new year version of Photoshop.2021Adobe Photoshop (22.0)
- Officially launched on November 4, 2019.
- Photoshop 22.0 features include:
- Removing the background of photos automatically.
- Sky Replacement feature in it.
- AI features Improvement and its enhancement of quick actions.
Adobe Photoshop 2021 has now one of our most requested action tools.2020Adobe Photoshop (21.0)
- Stable version released in May 2020.
- Photoshop 21.0 features including:
- Better auto selections.
- Improved properties panel and text layer properties.
- Updated lens blur, customizable Warp, animated GIF and cloud documents support.
- New swatches, gradients, shapes, & stylish fonts, and many more additional features.
- Compatible with MacOS, Windows, and iPadOS.
Improvements to presets.2018Adobe Photoshop CC (20.0)
- Released in October 2018.
- Features of Photoshop CC 20.0 :
- Improved layer panel with auto-commit and multiple undo modes.
- Color Wheel and 2x Select Subject.
- Proportional Transform, Symmetry Mode, etc.
- Bugs: Photoshop crashing, slow performance, issues with image resizing, rendering, lighting effects, and smart filters.
Adobe and Microsoft collaborated extensively to provide per-monitor scaling for displays with varying scaling factors.2017Adobe Photoshop CC (19.0)
- The 19th version of Adobe Photoshop came out in October 2017.
- Photoshop CC 19.0 features include:
- New Stroke smoothing features.
- Updated composition engine with enhanced tooltips.
- Curvature pen tool, Paint brush & eraser tool.
- Multiple undo option, Microsoft Surface Dial.
- Variable fonts support.
- Streamlined brush management, and more.
- Errors/Bugs: Issues while using Artboard, Properties Panel, and Pen tool, hidden layer selection, Getting crashed when editing, painting, and copying or pasting a object.
In this 2019 edition, symmetry mode has been permanently included as a regular feature.
2016Adobe Photoshop CC (18.0)
- Unveiled in November 2016, Photoshop launched its 18th version of this application.
- Adobe XD integration, SVG color fonts support,
- Search tool facility, Adobe Portfolio,
- MacBook Pro Touch Bar support, and better performance.
- Errors/Bugs: Program error, Issues with TrueType and OpenType fonts, Corrupted files, Disk size error, etc.
Photoshop rolled out exciting features for designers and digital photographers.2016Adobe Photoshop CC (17.0)
- This version was announced in June 2016.
- Updated Libraries panel, Improved art-boards,
- Match Font, Adobe Portfolio, Selection & Masking space,
- Content-aware tool cropping, etc.
2015Adobe Photoshop CC (16.0)
- Photoshop CC released its 16th version in June 2015.
- Later, it announced the upgraded versions of this series in November 2015 and January 2016.
- Modern and improved Art-boards, Camera RAW 9.1,
- Dehaze tool, Real time healing previews,
- New Creative Cloud Libraries,
- Enhanced export options, and many more.
- It also had some bugs/errors in several ScriptUI, translation, command recording, color sampling with gradient tool, etc.
Dehaze Photoshop made its debut back in 2015 in the Adobe Photoshop 16.0 newest edition.2014Adobe Photoshop CC (15.0)
- Released in June 2014.
- It included features like Perspective Wrap,
- 3D Printing support, Focus Mask,
- Blur Gallery Motion Effects, Adobe Camera RAW 8.3,
- Expanded Mercury Graphics Engine support, etc.
2013Adobe Photoshop CC (14.0)
- The first version of Photoshop CC was released in June 2013.
- Later in September 2013 and January 2014, it released its updated versions- 14.1 and 14.2 respectively.
- You may ask modern users to know to - when was Photoshop invented? Many of the present users think of Adobe Photoshop CC as a new invention in the photo editing area by seeing its modern outlook and functionalities.
- Some of its noteworthy features are likely smart sharpen tool,
- Edited rounded rectangles , Conditional Actions ,
- Camera shake reduction, Camera Raw 8.3, Perspective Warp,
- 3D Printing support, etc.
Web designers will be able to export CSS data from files for subsequent usage as well.2012Adobe Photoshop CS6 (13.0)
- Photoshop CS6 was released in May 2012 with a huge number of changed, including its UI.
- Introduced option dark user interface with all new icons and other elements.
- Key Features: Auto background save, Revised vector tools,
- Layers, color, and exposure adjustments, Camera raw 7,
- Adaptive Wide Angle filter, Enhanced video support,
- 3DLUT adjustment, Paragraph and Character Styles, etc.
A bunch of big in addition to tiny improvements in excess of previous variations.2010Adobe Photoshop CS5 (12.0)
- Photoshop CS5 Release Date: April 2010. Extended version: May 2011.
- First time released with subscription license.
- Key Features: Auto Image Straightening, Cropping & Shadow Catcher Tool,
- Puppet Warp Tool, Mixer Brush, Camera RAW grain control,
- Bristle Tips, New Blend modes: Subtract and Divide,
- Extended Repurpose 3D extrusion tool, etc.
- It also allows saving 16-bit image as JPG in this version.
Released new version of Photoshop CS5.5 on the name of Adobe Photoshop Creative Suit 5.5.2008Adobe Photoshop CS4 (11.0)
- Adobe Photoshop CS4 is its 11th version that was released in October 2008 with some notable features.
- It came with a friendly and simplified tab-based user interface.
- Noteworthy Features: Capable of simple zooming & planning,
- Includes Canvas rotation and color correction tools,
- Adjustment panel, 3D engine, Masks panel, etc.
- Got improvements in Lightroom workflow along with 64-bit native support.
Adobe uses graphics chip for faster Photoshop CS4.2007Adobe Photoshop CS3 (10.0)
- Adobe released Photoshop CS3 in April 2007.
- New advanced features like Smart Filters, Quick Selection Tool,
- Refine Edge command, Auto Align & Auto Blend Layers,
- Black & White Adjustments, New Blending Modes, Vanishing Point, etc.
- Photoshop CS3 became popular in the web design community for its mobile optimized design facilities.
Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS3 Extended Push the Boundaries of Digital Imaging.2005Adobe Photoshop CS2 (9.0)
- Released in April 2005, Adobe brought its ninth major version- Adobe Photoshop CS2.
- Features it introduced are likely Red-Eye Removal Tool,
- Lens Correction filter, Smart Objects, Spot Healing Brush, etc.
- Also had the new addition of Camera RAW 3.0,
- Image Warping and Vanishing Point Tool along with custom presets.
- Capable of High Dynamic Range Imaging with better memory management support.
2003Adobe Photoshop CS (8.0)
- Adobe Photoshop started its Creative Suite (CS) journey by releasing the version in October 2003 with a bunch of exciting features.
- It brought highly modified Slice Tool, Match Color command,
- Real-Time Histogram, Shadow/ Highlight command,
- Camera RAW 2.x, Lens Blur filter, Smart Guides, and many more.
- It had also sorting and sharing capabilities with a better user control.
2002Adobe Photoshop 7.0
- Adobe Photoshop 7.0 was released in March 2002.
- It introduced the features like Healing Brush,
- Spell Check, Patch Tool,
- Button Rollovers, Web Gallery, and Paint Engine.
2001Adobe Photoshop Elements
- Adobe released it in 2001.
- Redesigned and simplified user interface.
- Perfect for doing simple image editing tasks at less cost.
2000Adobe Photoshop 6.0
- Launched in September 2000.
- It launched the ‘Vector Shapes’ feature that supported vector drawing.
- It helps to create vector shapes and turn them into bitmap images.
- Also, it introduced the multi-layer functions and Blending features to bring more comfort in design.
1999Adobe Photoshop 5.5
- The upgraded version of Photoshop 5.0 was launched as Photoshop 5.5 in February 1999.
- It brought some more facilities like ‘Save for Web’ and ‘ImageReady’ to make the editing tasks more comfortable and easier.
- It also introduced the ‘Extract’ filter so that designers can remove an image from background easily.
1998Adobe Photoshop 5.0
- This version was first introduced in May 1998 with some new features.
- Features included: Multiple Undo, Free-form Pen,
- Layer Effects, Measure Tool,
- Color Samplers, Editable Type, Spot Color Channels, etc.
1996Adobe Photoshop 4.0
- Adobe released its 4.0 version in November 1996 with codename ‘Big Electric Cat’.
- Multiple features were introduced in this version likely adjustment layers,
- Color gradients, special effects filters,
- Digital watermarking, grids & guides,
- Free transform tool, navigator palette, and more.
- Supported both Windows and Mac platforms.
1994Adobe Photoshop 3.0
- Adobe Photoshop 3.0 was first released in September 1994 with its Mac version.
- Later, in November 1994, it brought the update for Windows, IRIX, and Solaris platforms.
- Users were first introduced with ‘Layers’ and ‘tabbed palettes’ from this Photoshop version.
- It was the first release to be distributed in compact disc and floppy disk formats.
1992Adobe Photoshop 2.5
- It was the first version of Photoshop developed for both Mac and Windows systems in November 1992.
- This is the upgraded version of Adobe Photoshop 2.0 that had 16-bit per channel support.
- A memory bug was found and later it improved in the updated version- Photoshop 2.5.1 (released in November 1993).
- It’s also compatible with IRIX and Solaris platforms.
1991Adobe Photoshop 2.0
- After the success of the 1st release, the second version of Photoshop was published in June 1991.
- Some features, including paths, CMYK Color, EPS Rasterization, and also stability have been greatly improved in the latest version.
- Like the previous version, it’s also compatible with only MacOS system.
1990Adobe Photoshop 1.0 (The First Version of Photoshop)
- The first official version of Adobe Photoshop 1.0 was released in February 1990.
- Under the brand Adobe, it was the first commercial release of this product that was developed for Macintosh (presently Mac) platform.
- It contained the program disk, tutorial disk, calibration disk,
- Photoshop user manual, program disk by third-party developers,
- sample images, and registration card.
- Some of the editing tools it covered were likely color correction with balance, saturation, and hue, image optimization, etc.
- The last update of this version ended up to 1.0.7.
Photoshop 1.0 was launched on February 19, 1990, solely for the Macintosh.
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